West Rock STREAM Academy
Orientation Information and Student forms
Welcome Message from West Rock Authors Academy Magnet
Welcome to West Rock STREAM Academy School. My name is Yolanda Jones-Generette and I am the principal of West Rock STREAM Academy School or (WRSA) which is a STEM-focused school. Our vision is to produce a community of lifelong learners that are socially prepared to become confident readers, writers, speakers, and critical thinkers.
Please click on the mandatory links to complete the forms for West Rock STREAM Academy. For more information about (WRSA) please visit our website at .
If you have any questions please call the school at 475-220-4900.
Again, welcome to the (WRSA) Family and we are excited to see you soon in the new school year!
Bienvenidos a la Escuela West Rock STREAM Academy. Mi nombre es Yolanda Jones-Generette y soy la directora de la Escuela West Rock STREAM Academy School o (WRSA), una escuela enfocada en STEM. Nuestra visión es producir una comunidad de alumnos para toda la vida que estén socialmente preparados para convertirse en confiados lectores, escritores, oradores y pensadores sabios.
Presione los enlaces obligatorios para completar los formularios de West Rock STREAM Academy. Para obtener más información sobre (WRSA), visite nuestro espacio cibernético en
Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la escuela al 475-220-4900.
Nuevamente, bienvenidos a la familia (WRSA) y estamos emocionados de verlos pronto en este nuevo año escolar.

Student Forms
Mandatory Student Forms (Complete Online)
Parent Orientation Forms
Mandatory forms will need to be completed before the start of school including address verification for all families.
PowerSchool login instructions and help click here
Access all forms on PowerSchool
Only parent or guardian PowerSchool accounts can access the forms.
Please note forms CANNOT be filled using the PowerSchool App.
Important Student information Documents (Read Only. Need to be signed into your NHPS Google account.)
Health Information
- Keep in touch with the New Haven Health Department for all of the latest news!
- Physical and Immunization information
- New Haven Department of Health Registration Health Requirements
- Nut Allergy Reminder Letter
- Head Lice Education
Spanish - Guidelines for Keeping Children Home
- Hearing and Vision Screening Notice
- Scoliosis Parent Letter
- Asthma Action Plan & School Medication Authorization
Early Childhood
- Early Childhood Assessment Team
Spanish - Early Childhood Program
- SNAP Information
Student & Family
New Haven Adult & Continuing Education Center
New Haven Promise
Important Student Information Forms (Downoad and Complete. Need to be signed into your NHPS Google account.)
Health Information
- Medical Statement for Meal Modifications in School Nutrition Programs
- Authorization for the Administration of Medication by School, Child Care, and Youth Camp Personnel
- School Health Center Permission Form
Online Form (Select Schools)
Print form (English) (Spanish) - NHPS Dental Enrollment
Online Form (Select Schools)
Print Form - Food Service
NHPS Allergy Form
Individualized Care Plan
New Haven Free Public Libary
Addition School Specific Documents
- West Rock Authors Academy Magnet website