Policy Service
The Connecticut Reference Manual
of School Board Policies, Regulations, and Bylaws
New Construction
Naming Facilities
The naming of school buildings, major portions of buildings, or school grounds is the responsibility of the Board of Education. In fulfilling this responsibility, the Board will make every effort to respect community preferences. Such names should be clearly identifying, widely known, and recognized.
It is the policy of the Board to name school buildings as close as possible to the time construction begins in order to lessen the confusion about the new schools.
When naming new buildings, major portions of buildings, or school grounds, the Board shall formally identify the need for a naming process for the identified school locations, as well as criteria it wishes to be considered in the process.
When naming a school building, major portions of school buildings, or school grounds the Board shall direct the Superintendent to establish a committee, subject to Board approval, comprised of the Superintendent or designee, the building Principal, faculty member, parents, community members, and, if appropriate, students to consider name recommendations for consideration by the Board. Opportunities for public input must be made available prior to the committee's recommendation to the Board. Such opportunities for public input must be publicly announced in newspapers and on the District website.
When naming new buildings, the committee shall have representation by the community members that is representative of the entire school district. The committee shall propose a list of names to the school board of not more than five (5) names for Board consideration.
If a major portion of a school building or school grounds (media center, auditorium gymnasium, field, etc.) is proposed to be named after an individual, that person shall have attained local or national prominence via significant contributions in any field of endeavor. Such contributions or the significance of their place in history shall be clearly established beyond the generation of the contribution. Individuals so recognized shall no longer be active in his/her career. Further, the individual for whom a portion of a school building or school grounds is to be named must be shown to have broad-based, long-term impact to the school district community.
Collections of works, memorials, or other major gifts to the school district may be acknowledged and named by individual schools, subject to the district's policy and procedures for accepting donations. Prior to accepting such donations and naming, a plan for maintenance and upkeep must be identified and presented to the school Board.
The Board retains the right to make final determination in the naming of buildings, major portions of school buildings, or school grounds. This policy not withstanding, it is the intent of the Board that naming of portions of the building and school grounds occur infrequently and on a limited based.