Betsy Ross Arts Magnet
Orientation Information and Student forms
Welcome Message from Betsy Ross Arts Magnet
August 7, 2024
Dear BRAMS School Community,
Welcome to the start of another school year. The first day of school for all students is Thursday, August 29th. Our dedicated staff is excited begin the next chapter of your student’s academic and artistic journey. We look forward to continuing our growth together as we support one another in excellence as artists and learners.
The middle school years are pivotal years in the academic, emotional, and social development of our students. Our role, which includes all our staff, is to ensure that your students feel welcomed here and that we establish the proper environment for your students to learn and flourish.
We will continue to RISE in excellence as we focus on Respect, Integrity, Safety, and Engagement to set the tone for a strong learning environment. To assist in focusing our students on learning our school planning and placement team has collectively selected to institute the use of Yondr pouches. Each student will be responsible for locking their phone within the pouch upon entry and will unlock them at the designated stations as they exit each day. BRAMS will be a phone free learning environment. If you would like to learn more about these pouches, feel free to visit:
Please keep our school dress code in mind as you look to proper school attire in the upcoming school year. While we are not a uniform school, we have worked with parents and staff to create a dress code that allows students creative freedoms in their dress while remaining appropriate for the school setting. Please be reminded crop tops and tank tops are not part of our school attire, pants are to be worn at the waist and not below and shorts or rips in jeans cannot be high above the knees. When looking at shorts an inseam of 7 or 9 inches is recommended.
Orientation for all families will be offered in two sessions. It is mandatory that one session be attended. Your family may select from Wednesday, August 21st @ 5:30 p.m. or Thursday, August 22nd @ 1:00 p.m. here in our school auditorium. We can’t wait to greet you!
Yours in Education
Jennifer Jenkins
7 de agosto. del 2024
Estimada comunidad escolar BRAMS,
Bienvenidos al comienzo de otro año escolar. El primer día de clases para todos los estudiantes de BRAMS es el jueves 29 de agosto y estamos esperando ansiosamente su regreso. Nuestro personal dedicado está entusiasmado por proporcionar una variedad de experiencias de aprendizaje atractivas y desafiantes a todos nuestros estudiantes. Esperamos continuar nuestro crecimiento juntos mientras nos apoyamos mutuamente en la excelencia como artistas y estudiantes. Los años de escuela intermedia son años cruciales en el desarrollo académico, emocional y social de nuestros estudiantes. Nuestro papel, que incluye a todo nuestro personal, es garantizar que sus estudiantes se sientan bienvenidos aquí y que establezcamos el entorno adecuado para que sus estudiantes aprendan y florezcan.
Continuaremos AUMENTANDO en excelencia a medida que nos enfocamos en el respeto, la integridad, la seguridad y el compromiso para establecer el tono fuerte para un aprendizaje sólido. Para ayudar a centrar a nuestros estudiantes en el aprendizaje, nuestro equipo de planificación y colocación escolar ha seleccionado colectivamente para instituir el uso de bolsa Yondr. Cada estudiante será responsable de poner su teléfono dentro de la bolsa a la entrada y lo recogerá en las estaciones designadas al salir cada día. La escuela BRAMS será un área de aprendizaje sin teléfono. Si desea obtener más información sobre estas bolsas, visite: http//
Por favor, tenga en cuenta de nuestro código de vestimenta escolar mientras busca el vertimiento escolar adecuado en el próximo año escolar. Si bien no somos una escuela de uniforme, hemos trabajado con los padres y el personal para crear un código de vestimenta que permita a los estudiantes tener libertades creativas en su vestimenta manteniendo ser apropiado para las escuelas. Por favor, recuerde que las camisetas corta y camisetas sin mangas no son parte de nuestro vestimento escolar y pantalones se deben usar en la cintura y no debajo, pantalones cortos y las rasgaduras (Rips) en los pantalones no deben estar por encima de las rodillas. Cuando se mira los pantalones cortos, se recomienda que sean por lo menos de 7 o 9 pulgada.
La orientación para todas las familias será de dos sesiones para elegir. Es mandatorio que asistan a una de estas sesiones. La familia puede seleccionar miércoles, 21 de agosto a las 5:30 p.m. o el jueves 22 de agosto a las 1:00pm en el auditórium de la escuela. Por favor, únase a nosotros en cualquiera de las sesiones. ¡No podemos esperar para saludarte!
Tuyo en la educación,
Jennifer Jenkins
Student Forms
Mandatory Student Forms (Complete Online)
Parent Orientation Forms
Mandatory forms will need to be completed before the start of school including address verification for all families.
PowerSchool login instructions and help click here
Access all forms on PowerSchool
Only parent or guardian PowerSchool accounts can access the forms.
Please note forms CANNOT be filled using the PowerSchool App.
Important Student information Documents (Read Only. Need to be signed into your NHPS Google account.)
Health Information
- Keep in touch with the New Haven Health Department for all of the latest news!
- Physical and Immunization information
- New Haven Department of Health Registration Health Requirements
- Nut Allergy Reminder Letter
- Head Lice Education
Spanish - Guidelines for Keeping Children Home
- Hearing and Vision Screening Notice
- Scoliosis Parent Letter
- Asthma Action Plan & School Medication Authorization
Early Childhood
- Early Childhood Assessment Team
Spanish - Early Childhood Program
- SNAP Information
Student & Family
New Haven Adult & Continuing Education Center
New Haven Promise
Important Student Information Forms (Downoad and Complete. Need to be signed into your NHPS Google account.)
Health Information
- Medical Statement for Meal Modifications in School Nutrition Programs
- Authorization for the Administration of Medication by School, Child Care, and Youth Camp Personnel
- School Health Center Permission Form
Online Form (Select Schools)
Print form (English) (Spanish) - NHPS Dental Enrollment
Online Form (Select Schools)
Print Form - Food Service
NHPS Allergy Form
Individualized Care Plan
New Haven Free Public Libary
Addition School Specific Documents
- Betsy Ross Arts Magnet website